What Are the Most Common Causes of Fuel Pump Failure?

The fuel pump failure often associated with the lack of power and dangerous consequences to driving performance. One major cause is running a car on empty; low fuel increases the risk of overheating as the pump depends on gasoline for cooling. A study shows that almost 75% of fuel pump failures take place when the vehicle has been driven with a low level of fuel, defined as less than one-quarter in the tank.

One of the biggest problems is dirty fuel being fed to the engine. Fuel pumps are designed to push lightweight fuel through the fuel lines and when dirt and debris enter the pump, it can clog up at its filter and stop working altogether. Fuel pump failures are a major concern within the industry with around 30% of all fuel pumps failing due to contamination in the fuel system. Ethanol-blended fuels, on the other hand, can damage fuel system parts over time, and repair expenses can run high.

Problems with the electrical system can cause fuel pump failure too. Power may not be getting to the fuel pump signaling relay or this component could have fuelling issues itself, unable to work effectively. It turns out, electrical failures as a whole are responsible for about 20% of all the fuel pump problems ever reported—so it goes without saying you should take care in regularly checking your electrical system.

Fuel pumps are subject to normal wear and tear over time due to age and use. Fuel pumps are designed to last 80,000–100,000 miles on the average; however obstacles like heat and vibration can cause them to fail prematurely. Regular maintenance can prolong your fuel pump life, but Tom J., an automotive engineer states, “Neglect will lead to premature failure.”

Incorrectly Installed — fuel pump failure due to improper installation. Misplaced fuel pumps are a common cause of increased wear and failure. Some figures indicate that up to 15% of failed fuel pumps are down to an assembly error, highlighting the importance of having a professional replace them for you.

Vehicle operation can be interrupted by a faulty fuel pump and cause expensive repairs as well. Therefore, knowing these common causes can assist vehicle owners take preventive measures. Read more about Fuel Pump systemFontOfSize,]initWith GetEnumerator.

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